Start taking high end portraits that sell right now with the gear you already have.

There’s no shame in
how you create,
it’s what you create that matters.

And you’re about to create a new life for yourself full of beauty and abundance.

What’s waiting for you with 1 on 1 Coaching
(all programs are 100% personalized to your needs and goals):

-Learn the fundamentals of Portrait Photography.
-Explore the art of lighting.
-Speed up and perfect your editing
-Finally print and sell your images.
-Turn your talents into a polished Brand
-Learn how to market your services online and in person.
-Create a High End experience (on a budget) that clients will pay more for.

Hey! I’m Autumn Janelle,

A former starving artist
turned Awarded, Internationally Published,
& PAID Photographer.

I’m also the creator of:

I teach driven Creatives just like you
who are stuck in the starving Artist phase of their journey how to shoot High End images that sell
regardless of location, gear, or budget.

Learn More . Enter the Blog